Grade 9 English (ENL1W)
Overview of Grade 9 English (ENL1W)
Starting in September 2023, the new Grade 9 English (ENL1W) course will be taught to all students, removing the division between applied and academic courses for Grade 9 English. This initiative, known as de-streaming, will provide all students with the same learning experience and prepare them for a variety of career pathways. This course is mandatory for all students.
The new Grade 9 English course is part of Ontario’s plan to modernize the education curriculum, ensuring all students acquire the foundational and transferable skills needed in a rapidly changing world.
Overview Grade 9 English (ENL1W)
The Grade 9 English course builds on the principles of the elementary language program.
Designed to be inclusive, this course aids students in transitioning from elementary to secondary school. It provides opportunities for all students to establish a solid foundation in language and literacy, expand their knowledge and skills, and develop as critically literate learners. This foundation helps students make informed decisions about future English courses aligned with their interests and plans for apprenticeship training, university, college, community living, or the workplace.
Mirroring the elementary curriculum, the Grade 9 English course emphasizes foundational knowledge and skills essential for language and literacy learning in senior grades. Students will acquire the ability to understand, respond to, appreciate, and create a variety of texts across forms, genres, modes, and media, including digital and media texts. Emphasizing diverse text forms, genres, modes, and media is key to a comprehensive English and literacy program.
Throughout the course, students engage actively in language and literacy learning by connecting to their own experiences and those of others. They continue to apply transferable skills in a language and literacy context and develop media and digital literacy. Teachers deliver the curriculum using effective assessment and instructional practices rooted in culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy (CRRP). They employ various assessment and instructional strategies, providing multiple entry points for students to access language and literacy learning and numerous opportunities to demonstrate their achievements in English.
Grade 9 English builds on the learning from Grade 8 English and prepares students for success in all senior secondary English courses across all pathways. Students who successfully complete the Grade 9 English course can advance to a Grade 10 English course.
Ontario Curriculum Breakdown - Grade 9 English (ENL1W) De-Streamed

- Transferable Skills: Demonstrate an understanding of how the seven transferable skills (critical thinking and problem solving; innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship; self-directed learning; collaboration; communication; global citizenship and sustainability; and digital literacy) are used in various language and literacy contexts
- Digital Media Literacy: Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media
- Applications, Connections, and Contributions: Apply language and literacy skills in cross-curricular and integrated learning, and demonstrate an understanding of, and make connections to, diverse voices, experiences, perspectives, histories, and contributions, including those of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals, communities, groups, and nations
- Oral and Non-Verbal Communication: Apply listening, speaking, and non-verbal communication skills and strategies to understand and communicate meaning in formal and informal contexts and for various purposes and audiences
- Language Foundations for Reading and Writing: Demonstrate an understanding of foundational language knowledge and skills, and apply this understanding when reading and writing
- Language Conventions for Reading and Writing: Demonstrate an understanding of sentence structure, grammar, cohesive ties, and capitalization and punctuation, and apply this knowledge when reading and writing sentences, paragraphs, and a variety of texts
- Knowledge about Texts: Apply foundational knowledge and skills to understand a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experience, and demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, features, and elements of style associated with various text forms and genres
- Comprehension Strategies: Apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, listening to, and viewing a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experience, in order to understand and clarify the meaning of texts
- Critical Thinking in Literacy: Apply critical thinking skills to deepen understanding of texts, and analyze how various perspectives and topics are communicated and addressed in a variety of texts, including digital, media, and cultural texts
- Developing Ideas and Organizing Content: Plan, develop ideas, gather information, and organize content for creating texts of various forms, including digital and media texts, on a variety of topics
- Creating Texts: Apply knowledge and understanding of various text forms and genres to create, revise, edit, and proofread their own texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies, and reflect critically on created texts
- Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting: Select suitable and effective media, techniques, and tools to publish and present final texts, and critically analyze how well the texts address various topics
York Region Tutoring Provides
If a student is approaching a forthcoming test, we can provide them with a previous test to be completed at home before their upcoming session. Subsequently, during their next class, just before the exam, they can review the test with their tutor. These tests are exclusively sourced from high schools in York Region and other areas in Ontario, serving as the definitive benchmark for students to assess their readiness.
York Region Tutors and are equipped with drawing tablets making collaboration simple, efficient and effective. We also offer drawing tablets at a discount for purchase to students who really take to the functionality of the product.
At the parents’ request, following each tutoring session, our tutors can assign homework tailored to address weaknesses and reinforce strengths in students. Additionally, we incorporate homework questions directly extracted from previous tests and quizzes administered by YRDSB school teachers, allowing students to familiarize themselves with potential test questions.